Visszajáró - Despotov [CP 07]
1. huge mouth - ogromna usta/óriási száj
2. the philosopher - filozof/a filozófus
3. dirty dreams - prljavi snovi/piszkos álmok
4. the watermelon gives birth to Goethe - lubenica radja getea/görögdinnye szüli Goethét
5. the rope - konopac/a kötél
6. mantra
7. folk songs - narodne pesme/népdalok
8. mothers - majke/anyák
9. video recorder - videorekorder
10. the darkness - mrak/sötétség
11. dead opinion - mrtvo misljenje/holt vélemény
12. silent night - tiha noc/halk éj
banks are open ‘til half past five every meaning has lost its battle the world is crowded
I bought a dictionary good bye surprise sometimes it happens that there is no one in the world he runs,
oh how that man runs organized a rock concert I have got no thoughts left nor brilliant nor bad
solid fiberglass instead of Danube I cut to tiny little languages I sing short noises
the end of poetical confusion is evident there is a rope analog sweat howls
and absurd are substituted by plaster and mortar I am not interested in what is what and who is who
in my near surroundings I am wearing permanent clean clothes I was at the funeral the folk songs are dead
you are not Tarzan’s alter ego don’t sully the law of lynch record yourself, put on some make up, swing,
man is an absolute seasonal fruit mothers gave birth to sons, to ride horses,
to ski and to jump without parachutes, and not to recognize an emotion to its details poetism? no.
the intestines are not wallets a sound about something is no longer someone’s
the amplifier broke down death is on your side oh, god without a prayer, you are like an aspirin
without Bayer my night is extremely silent when I think about it I will grow old too
I will sleep from the beginning good bye poetry
poetry of vojislav despotov (1950-2000)
red by predrag šmigeljski
noises and sounds by predrag šmigeljski and lászló lenkes
recorded and mixed by lászló lenkes
artwork by lászló lenkes
all is done in a low budget portable private diy studio in the spring of 2010.
in temerin and novi bečej, vojvodina, serbia.
for additional infos on the album check our website:
Genre: experimental, noise, poetry
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